Chemist 2 Customer

The Gold Star of Weight Management

Losing weight is one of the most popular New Year's resolutions. Unfortunately, it's also one of the most difficult to stick to so if you need a little extra help then why not try the Celebrity Slim Program. It's available from our online pharmacy right now so what are you waiting for?!

One of the biggest problems with dieting is feeling hungry all the time. While skipping meals may make you think you're being healthy, it's actually hugely counter-productive:  starving yourself interferes with your metabolic function, meaning you're more likely yo binge and retain more weight in the future. Celebrity Slim allows you to eat meals or snacks six times a day, ensuring your metabolism keeps functioning properly and making sure you're not hungry all day long.

The three-phase Celebrity Slim Program starts with the Trim Phase. So, how does it work?

  • Each day, you replace two of your ordinary meals with Celebrity Slim meal replacements. There's loads to choose from so you won't get bored: enjoy smoothies, milkshakes, soups and more
  • You'll get to enjoy one healthy, well-balanced meal each day: this can include meat, fish or chicken with vegetables and salad
  • You're allowed three tasty snacks every day to stave off those hunger pangs: delight your palate with fruit, veg, nuts, dips and more
  • You should drink around two litres of water each day to ensure you stay hydrated

The Celebrity Slim trim phase is designed to provide a long-term weight loss solution. There are many options available including the popular Celebrity Slim Starter Pack. You can track your progress when you join the Celebrity Slim Club; membership is FREE and offers lots of extra benefits. Contact our team to find out more...

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